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  • Swallow - ebook

    Data dostępności: 10.03.2014

    Data publikacji: 26.11.2013

    Lucia Cocci runs Magnoopere foundation, which helps forced labor and sexual abuse victims. John Phis Cole is ex-SEALs. With the support of the influential Senator of the United States Congress, they build a secret and illegal female sex-agent team and declare war to human trafficking. However, politicians and other groups of power begin to be interested in the organization. Meanwhile, thousands of...

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  • WHITE NOISE: Strategic Decision Game - ebook

    WHITE NOISE: Strategic Decision Game - ebook

    Data dostępności: 07.08.2024

    Data publikacji: 07.08.2024

    WHITE NOISE: A strategy game for Diplomats in a new era of competition WHITE NOISE is a revolutionary strategy game designed to equip diplomats and foreign service personnel with the skills they need to succeed in today’s complex and challenging 21st century world. This innovative game goes beyond traditional war games to include a critical information operations component. Players will gain...

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  • Dynamics of Team Engagement: DISC D3 as the key to effective recruitment, relationship-building and competence development - ebook

    Data dostępności: 28.09.2023

    Data publikacji: 28.09.2023

    Compendium of knowledge on engagement Team's engagement does not just appear out of nowhere. It does not just appear out of thin air, nor does it disappear without any reason. It is the result of our working in the DISC D3 spirit - that requires everyone in the team to make an effort, with the leader in particular. Significant engagement, taking personal responsibility for individual and team goals,...

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    Cena: 54,90 49,41 zł
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  1. 1.Romantyczny weekend
  2. 2.Ogień w twoich oczach
  3. 3.Samotnia
  4. 4.W PEŁNI. Jak zaprzyjaźnić się z menopauzą i brać od życia to, co najlepsze
  5. 5.Drzwi z siedmioma zamkami
  6. 6.Drzwi z siedmioma zamkami
  7. 7.Serce ma inne plany
  8. 8.Szaleństwo jednej nocy
  9. 9.Miłość jest ci pisana
  10. 10.The Atlas Complex

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  4. 4.Tygodnik Powszechny
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  6. 6.Tygodnik Do Rzeczy
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