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The Most Famous Hoteliers of All Time Vol. 2 - ebook

30,00 27,00 zł (zawiera 5 % VAT)

  • EPUB (znak wodny)
  • MOBI (znak wodny)

Robert Woliński 





Woliński & Hotel Robert Woliński



The hotel industry has a rich history and a future yet to be discovered. Centuries-old, it evolved over the years, adopting the traditional concept of a “home away from home” to the needs of modern life. This history was written by hoteliers of different nationalities, not only by Americans and the Swiss. The Most Famous Hoteliers Of All Time is a series of books dedicated to prominent figures in the lodging industry from different countries and eras who contributed to the growth of this profession and of the entire hospitality industry.
The two volumes comprising thirty-six chapters unravel incredible stories of forty-one hoteliers: builders, constructors, developers, hotel owners and managers, chefs and maîtres d'hotel, creators of new concepts, hotel brands and entire hotel chains. The series provides information about the origins of hospitality companies and hotel chains, such as Ritz, Hilton, Marriott, Radisson, Holiday Inn, Oberoi, Sheraton, Accor, Four Seasons, Days Inn, Residence Inn, Howard Johnson’s, Hyatt, Best Western, Trust Houses Forte, and many more.

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Kup The Most Famous Hoteliers of All Time Vol. 2 - ebook
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The Most Famous Hoteliers of All Time Vol. 2 - ebook

30,00 27,00 zł (zawiera 5 % VAT)
    • EPUB (znak wodny)
    • MOBI (znak wodny)


  1. 1.Tyłki. Historia ciała od zaplecza
  2. 2.Tragedia w Waco. David Koresh i tajemnica jego sekty
  3. 3.Rytuały miłosne i obyczaje Słowian
  4. 4.Oddanie w czasach nienawiści
  5. 5.Ślady gwiazd. Sagittarius Tom I
  6. 6.Nie wiem
  7. 7.Założyciele. Historia PayPala i przedsiębiorców, który tworzyli Dolinę Krzemową
  8. 8.Ultra. Podziemny świat włoskiego futbolu
  9. 9.Dopóki serce bije
  10. 10.Syndrom oszusta. Jak nie podkopywać wiary we własne możliwości

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